Monday, February 5, 2024

Lighting Workshop 4


For this assignment, I chose to light up the coliseum using a complimentary color scheme with orange lights contrasting the blue/purple skies and being mostly illuminated by the implied sunset and the hung lights. I wanted the ambience to be more cozy to contrast the type of typical bloodshed held in the arena. I based the lighting and feel off of these reference images:

Monday, January 29, 2024

Lighting Workshop 3

For this third assignment, I used the Car Preset from the given asset pack. I used a 3/4 front angle for the inside showcase shot and a 3/4 back angle for the outside shot. I wanted to keep an orange/yellow color scheme for the outside shot, but decided to use sunset lighting instead of assets that were yellow/orange in order to make that effect.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Lighting Workshop 2


For this lighting assignment, I wanted to do an interior scene. I figured a mining cave would be a great way to figure out how to balance the contrasting shadows and highlight objects in an appealing way while also showing an unsettling atmosphere.

Sprint 3